All components are automatically dosed according to initially tested, introduced and approved formulations. The company produces the following compressive strength classes of standard concrete established in accordance with BDS EN 206:2014:
СТ-С20-F4; CT-C25-F4; CT-C30-F4;
Produced classes of water tightness of concrete with dense structure are: Cw0,4; Cw0,6; Cw0,8; Cw1,0 established in accordance with BDS EN 206: 2014 / NA: 2015.
When there is a requirement for the water tightness of concrete, its compressive strength class must not be lower than С20/25, the water-cement ratio shall not be greater than 0.6 and the amount of cement shall not be less than 270 kg / m3. When a given composition of concrete has been evaluated for water tightness and penetration depth of water, so every other composition, produced with the same materials as the estimated composition, but with larger amount of cement and lower water-cement ratio, meets the same classes of the already estimated composition.
The company produces concrete mixtures for dispersed-reinforced industrial floors and surfaces subject to abrasion. Their production must comply with the minimum requirements of the “Limits of composition and properties of concrete subject to abrasion” of BDS EN 206: 2014 / NA: 2015.
Fine particles in the concrete is the amount of solid materials in the concrete mixture, with a grain size less than or equal to 0.125 mm.
Produced exposure classes and
“Recommended limits for composition and characteristics of concrete” of BDS EN 206: 2014.
NOTE 1: Exposure classes are selected depending on the conditions applicable in the place of use of the concrete. This exposure classification does not exclude consideration of the special conditions, existing in the place of use of the concrete, or implementing protective measures such as the use of corrosion-resistant steel or other corrosion-resistant metal, and the use of concrete protective coatings or reinforcements.
NOTE 2: The concrete can be a subject to more than one exposure, described in Table 1, and the conditions of the environment to which it is exposed, can be expressed as a combination of exposure classes. For a particular structural component, the various surfaces of the concrete can be a subject to various exposure effects.
We have the ability and experience to produce self-compacting concrete (SCC) and concrete without sand.
The company provides an opportunity to work with customer’s prescriptions.